EW-Empowering Workplaces Podcast Cover

A data-driven podcast ABOUT MAKING WORK BETTER

We are two culture experts conversing with fascinating people doing big things inside their organizations – as well as with authors, consultants, coaches and other individuals who have a story to share or really inspirational research. We always share FRESH, PRIMARY data and insights related to the topic at hand, and we discuss all kinds of topics from both the individual employee and the organizational perspective, answering big questions like: 

  • how do we make work more human and empathetic?
  • how do we build resilience in ourselves and our staff?
  • how do we TRULY attract the people we want to our organizations? 

About the podcast

Welcome to Empowering Workplaces, hosted by culture designer Maddie Grant and organizational psychologist Sanja Licina, Ph.D. If you care about making work better, as a leader or an employee – and helping yourself and others navigate the evolving nature of the business world, you are in the right place!

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Meet Our Hosts

We are two friends who created this podcast to talk to all kinds of fascinating people about how to empower BOTH employees and companies to create the kinds of human, empathetic, happy workplaces we all aspire to have.

Sanja Licina

Sanja Licina, Ph.D.

Sanja is an organizational psychologist and President of QuestionPro Workforce, where we help companies better connect with, and understand their employees, to create the absolute best culture and experience for all those who are a part of their organization.

Sanja’s goal is straightforward: to make people happier.

Find her on LinkedIn

Maddie Grant

Maddie Grant

Maddie is an expert culture designer and co-founder of a firm called PROPEL, that helps organizations design evolutionary and disruption-proof cultures that are truly loved by their employees. As well she is a digital strategist, and author.

A firm believer that the future of work will come from more human workplaces.

Find her on LinkedIn

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Maddie Grant

Building a great culture is easier than you think.

You just need to see your hidden culture patterns, and then change the ones that are holding you back.

We can help.

Recent Episodes

Work@Life: The Need for Compassionate Leadership in the Workplace

Whether it’s in our personal lives or at work, practicing empathy and compassion is not as simple as it initially seems; that’s because every single human is different in subtle ways, and what works for a person might not for someone else. Indeed, in the workplace, effectively connecting with others can take different forms and it’s crucial to learn the most effective one for your business—one that is finely tuned to your culture.
Join Sanja Licina, PhD and Maddie Grant in this episode, where they discuss how compassion will become an increasingly important skill and how leaders can effectively develop it to lead teams and grow businesses.

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Work@Life: How a Successful Career Path Can Be Anything but Linear

Have you asked yourself: Did I choose the right career? Am I progressing fast enough, quicker than my peers? Is what’s happening to me… normal? We’ve all had the same nagging thoughts regarding our career, so hearing what others have gone through during their career path gives us such a phenomenal perspective and ideas on what we could do –and don’t—differently.

Joining us for this episode is Ashley Menzies Babatunde, Attorney, Storyteller and host of the podcast “No Straight Path”, who talks to us about the story behind her success and how when she realized that her path wasn’t linear anymore, it sent shockwaves to the system.

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Work@Life: How Can You Partner With the CEO to Build a Truly Remarkable Culture?

It is possible for great CEOs to be both competent and kind. Maybe it doesn’t sound like an easy balance, but this is certainly true for Popmenu’s leadership, and one of the key reasons the company has been able to build and sustain an exceptional culture.
We are joined in this episode by Anna Bruns, Head of Talent and Culture at Popmenu, who talks about how the head of talent can work hand in hand with the CEO in building a culture where both the people and the business thrives.

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Work@Life: Rethinking the Company Gathering

The pandemic has given us a reason to redefine the value of collaborating. What is the purpose of a meeting? Should a meeting actually be an email? Are in-person meetings even necessary any more? In this conversation with Lindsey Caplan, Organizational Psychologist and founder of The Gathering Effect, we dig into this topic with a specific focus on company gatherings for creating change.

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Work@Life: From Talent Management to Employee Experience – A New Cultural Mindset

Employee experience today encompasses everything, almost from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep; whether you’re working or not, there’s some way that your work is impacting you. For this episode, our guest Anna Matuszewska, Ph.D, an expert on Talent Management, joins us to talk about how learning development has changed and how the way employers approach career development is an even greater strategic imperative that impacts each person throughout the organization.

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Work@Life: How To Be Optimistic When the World Around You Isn’t

When you watch the news these days, it’s hard not to feel discouraged about the world… but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to join ranks with the pessimists! In fact, when facing negativity, it’s extra important to be optimistic to help offset any bad vibes that might be surrounding you.
In this episode, we talk about both the simple and the complex things that keep us going, and what can we do to start walking on the sunnier side of the street.

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Work@Life: Get your career in SHAPE

Dr. Candace Steele Flippin is a communications executive, best-selling author, and multigenerational workplace scholar. Her mission is to help women accelerate their career growth so that they can achieve the careers they need, want and deserve.
She joins us as she launches her newest book: Get Your Career in SHAPE: A Five-Step Guide to Achieve the Success You Need, Want, and Deserve.

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Work@Life: Looking to Recruit Top Talent? Then Think Like a Marketer

Workers today are increasingly seeking full transparency from their employers. That means that a company’s values are an even more critical part of a successful recruiting strategy. In fact, 88% of workers said that it’s important for them to have a sense of a company’s culture when they are applying for a job.
For this episode, our guest Yaagneshwaran Ganesh —also known as Yaag— host of the podcast ABM conversations, joins us to talk about how effectively marketing your company culture can significantly help you employment brand.

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Work @ Life: How Well Do You Really Know Your Co-workers?

In this episode, we chat with Brian Mohr, co-founder of Anthym, about what it really means to “bring your whole self to work”.  The pandemic has brought a new impetus towards more empathy in the workplace, meaning that we need better systems for helping employees to connect better and build better relationships with each other, within teams, and also between managers and direct reports. Why? Because this is the foundation for trust, as well and a key component of diversity and inclusion. We dig into some great ideas for how to make it happen!

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Work @ Life: How to Deal With Technology Information Overload

In this episode we chat with Meico Whitlock, mindfulness consultant and founder of Mindful Techie about the impact of technology and information overload on wellbeing. We’re so tethered to our devices these days, in good ways (like being able to work remotely during the pandemic) and bad ways (like spending too much time doom-scrolling on social media. Meico shares some useful tips for maintaining balance in a tech-heavy world.

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Work@Life: What Is the Next Step? It’s All About Career Development and Succession Planning

There is a lot to talk about when it comes to career development and the best things that companies can do today to help their people grow, especially when development is such an essential part of retention. How are employee-led approaches working when it comes to internal mobility and finding the right opportunities? And how does a company build a succession plan that doesn’t become outdated as soon as it’s created?
The answer may be in creating succession chains based on skill and merit, and making them fit into the organization’s plans for the near future, while preparing leaders and direct reports for a vast array of possibilities.
Joining us for this episode is a very special guest, Julie Rodda, PhD, Talent Management Leader, to talk about the future of succession planning and career development and how to best prepare for it.

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Work@Life: Work Has Changed, Have You?

The word “change” can hardly encapsulate everything that is different since March 2020, given the collective awakening to the great variability in how differently people’s advance due to their backgrounds, and the quantity of outdated policies that need to evolve to keep this from happening.
Managers can play a monumental role in helping their teams thrive on their own terms. This starts by giving them choice and flexibility, so that they can work in the best way that suits them, and not necessarily adhering to the usual four walls, 9-to-5 gigs. Because work is not defined as something that you come to the office for nonetheless, it is something that you do. So, why are some managers still so hesitant to provide this flexibility?Joining us in this episode is Meighan Newhouse, CEO & Co-Founder of Inspirant Group, who shares some actionable ideas for challenging the norm.

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Work@Life: The Great Redefinition of Organizational Values

What does your company stand for? As your business grows and experiences significant change, it is important to start rethinking your values, and being more explicit about defining what behaviors drive your organization. This will help you and your teams better understand what makes your company’s culture unique and what will fuel future success.
Joining us in this episode is Michelle Armer, Chief People Officer at C.A. Fortune, who shares her journey about redefining their values, aligning them with business outcomes, and driving behaviors through them.

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Work@Life: Finding Your Own Self-Care Path

Self-care has been even more top of mind for many of us lately. How do we effectively take care of ourselves while we take care of the many other responsibilities we have? There are as many approaches to self-care as there are people, there is no one-size-fits-all. When it comes to engaging in activities that can help our wellbeing we often feel guilty: but why?
How do we combat that nagging feeling that we should be spending all of our time being productive, and on others? Join Maddie Grant and Sanja Licina, PhD, in this conversation about self-care and how to build the best journey for yourself.

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Work @ Life: Developing Authentic Leaders

Today, there are more leaders that care than ever before, but the data shows they can still be a lot better in many ways they support their teams. Our task at hand is clear: we need to bring more humanity to our interactions, and to make communication more effective. The good news is that there is one key role in this equation, the frontline manager, so helping them learn to me more authentic in the way they lead will make a world of difference.
Join us and our very special guest Cecil Puvathingal, Vice President of Sales at On The Stage, for this conversation about authenticity and empathy in the workplace.

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Work @ Life: Understanding How Conflict Shows Up in the Workplace

The truth is crystal clear: workplace conflict is inevitable, given that we’re humans, first and foremost— and it’s certainly nothing new for managers and leaders.
Whether it’s a product of miscommunication, a result from working in silos, unresolved tension, or lack of direction… conflict shows up when you least expect it — and, for that reason, it’s important for HR Departments to address new factors of workplace discord and prevent additional issues from arising among employees.
Join our discussion with Jamie Notter, Co-Founder and Culture Strategist at PROPEL, to learn more about how can companies manage conflict in today’s changing work environment.

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Work@Life: We Don’t Talk About Bruno… Or Pay Apparently

One of the first things we learn as workers is that in many organizations talking about how much we earn is not something that happens — and, unfortunately, this old taboo only hides the fact that some companies have a huge pay gap, as well as other economic and gender-based inequities. That is why, for a long time, organizations and thought leaders have asked themselves: “Should we have full transparency about pay? Is purpose and the greater good more important than pay? Or is pay simply king?”
In today’s episode, Sanja Licina, PhD, and Maddie Grant, tackled the concept of pay from the increasingly important angles of recruiting, attracting, and retaining talent — and, of course, building a sense of community at work.

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Work@Life: Why Are People in the Same Company Experiencing Culture Differently, and What To Do About It

While many organizations strive to have a unified culture, employee experience can be anything but uniform.
In today’s episode, hosts Sanja Licina, PhD and Maddie Grant, highlight relevant datapoints from a survey study of over 3,000 workers across the globe, and why it’s important to understand the differences between how managers and individual contributors may experience a company culture to make well-informed decisions about your strategy.

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Want to get in touch?

If you have ideas about people we should have a conversation with, or maybe that’s you! Let us know!

Email sanja.licina@questionpro.com

Empowering Workplaces