EW-Empowering Workplaces Podcast Cover

A data-driven podcast ABOUT MAKING WORK BETTER

We are two culture experts conversing with fascinating people doing big things inside their organizations – as well as with authors, consultants, coaches and other individuals who have a story to share or really inspirational research. We always share FRESH, PRIMARY data and insights related to the topic at hand, and we discuss all kinds of topics from both the individual employee and the organizational perspective, answering big questions like: 

  • how do we make work more human and empathetic?
  • how do we build resilience in ourselves and our staff?
  • how do we TRULY attract the people we want to our organizations? 

About the podcast

Welcome to Empowering Workplaces, hosted by culture designer Maddie Grant and organizational psychologist Sanja Licina, Ph.D. If you care about making work better, as a leader or an employee – and helping yourself and others navigate the evolving nature of the business world, you are in the right place!

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Meet Our Hosts

We are two friends who created this podcast to talk to all kinds of fascinating people about how to empower BOTH employees and companies to create the kinds of human, empathetic, happy workplaces we all aspire to have.

Sanja Licina

Sanja Licina, Ph.D.

Sanja is an organizational psychologist and President of QuestionPro Workforce, where we help companies better connect with, and understand their employees, to create the absolute best culture and experience for all those who are a part of their organization.

Sanja’s goal is straightforward: to make people happier.

Find her on LinkedIn

Maddie Grant

Maddie Grant

Maddie is an expert culture designer and co-founder of a firm called PROPEL, that helps organizations design evolutionary and disruption-proof cultures that are truly loved by their employees. As well she is a digital strategist, and author.

A firm believer that the future of work will come from more human workplaces.

Find her on LinkedIn

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Maddie Grant

Building a great culture is easier than you think.

You just need to see your hidden culture patterns, and then change the ones that are holding you back.

We can help.

Recent Episodes

Work @ Life: New Ideas on How to Impact Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Today

In this episode of Work@Life, we are joined by a very special guest, Andrea O’Leary, Ph.D., Chief People Officer at Enterprise Client Group and Innovation at Aon, as we look at how critical the current moment is for companies’ in regards to their diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) strategy, and how it can be best embedded into their plans and objectives.
We are at a pivotal moment where we can create truly innovative and sustainable DEIB programs, focused on four main employee lifecycle pillars: recruitment, development, promotion and retention. All the changes we are experiencing in the labor market truly provide The Great Opportunity to make a significant mark on these initiatives. Are you ready to accelerate your progress?

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Work @ Life: Are we going through The People Revolution?

More than 2/3 of US workers say that the pandemic has changed their perspective on what’s important to them in life. This revelation, coupled with the sentiment that over half of workers say they feel like they have a greater ability to craft their own working circumstances now than before the pandemic starts to explain the major shifts we are seeing in the labor market, not only in the US but across the globe. 
Our special guest Arti Pullins, CEO of Pundit Consultantz, joins us for this very special episode of Work@Life to share her perspective on what people, and organizations, can do to make this stage we’re going through a long-term win-win for both parties.

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Work @ Life: Beauty and the Brains – Creating Office Spaces to Bring the Best Out of Our Workforce

Workers have said it loud and clear, flexibility is one of their key considerations as they evaluate employers moving ahead. For organizations who are hoping to get their people back in the office at least some of the time, it means rethinking their office layout and corporate architecture to make the best of the peoples’ time while in person. Join our discussion with Colleen V. Scott at Work @ Life to learn more about how companies are redefining and redesigning who they are, what are the key needs of their people, and their organizational goals, and how these are impacting the changes happening in the office architecture today.

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Work @ Life: Building a Company Culture Everyone is Proud Of

It’s true that every major challenge in life could also be seen as an opportunity, and the workplace surely won’t be the exception. That’s why even with all the movement in the labor market, Season 3 of Work@Life will be all about The Great Opportunity! We’re kicking the season off with Brendan Sweeney, CEO and cofounder of Popmenu— an exciting startup that has tripled in employee size in the last year, in an industry that was hit particularly hard by covid. How did they do it? Not only by empowering restaurants to tell their story digitally, but also by putting their employees first, creating an unbeatable culture, and making sure they stay true to their mission all the way from recruitment to delivering on their promise to their employees every day.

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Work @ Life: The Great Opportunity

You have probably heard (a lot!) about The Great Resignation—and it’s likely made you nervous about the impact it will have on your organization. But, have you considered how this time of turmoil could be a great moment to improve your culture and employee experience? That’s why in this new season of Work@Life, we’ll examine what we’re calling The Great Opportunity: How we approach work, what’s the most effective way to connect with our people, and how organizations can use data to take action.

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Work @ Life: Women Rising From the Pandemic – Season Wrap-Up

This is certainly not an end to the conversation, but it’s a wrap-up on our season that was all about The First Female Recession. In this last episode, we recap all the knowledge and data points gathered throughout the season, which, in turn, we hope influence how organizations take action and have an impact on the future of their talent. 

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Work @ Life: Is Your Inner Critic Running the Show?

Most of us experience an inner critic, a voice that may tell us we are not a good enough parent, friend, are behind in our career. Most of the time this voice can be a pest and drain our energy, but in some cases it can actually propel us to do better. It may depend on how we listen to it, or what kind of action we take on it. Join our conversation with our special guest Jasenka Šabanović from The Fast Forward Group and learn how to be better aware of your inner critic and how to more productively incorporate it into your life.

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Work @ Life: Igniting the Rise of the Female Leader

Organizational leadership is changing — some would say that we’re finally making strides in really humanizing the workplace. However, some questions remain. Who do we want to be inspired by? Whose team do we want to be on? What does that leader look like, and how do we help a diverse group of new trailblazers —particularly women— get to leadership positions? Listen to our conversation with our special guest Dan Riley, cofounder at RADICL and learn about how to help propel women into leadership positions.

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Work @ Life: How Can Leaders Support Working Parents?

Did you know that while nearly 100% of managers rate themselves as supportive of employees with families, only half of their subordinates agree with this assessment? Join the conversation with our special guest Kelly Schwind Wilson, PhD, an Associate Professor of Management at Purdue University and learn more about the emerging strategies that leaders can use to best support working mothers and their team members with families.

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Work @ Life: Figuring Yourself Out

Have you found yourself reflecting more about your life since the pandemic started? Do you think your company could help get you out of this tired routine, and begin to thrive again?
Join this conversation with our special guest Meighan Newhouse, founder of Inspirant Group, and learn about how organizations can encourage their employees to seek out help when they most need it, and the process of understanding yourself and others.

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Work @ Life: Combating the First Female Recession

A fresh take on work, life, culture, and the employee experience – exploring hot topics from both the individual and organizational perspective. Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President, Workforce at QuestionPro and Maddie Grant, author, co-founder and culture designer at PROPEL are ready to share surprising data points and creative solutions with you every episode. This week, we kick off Season 2 with a data-heavy exploration of the First Female Recession.

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Work @ Life: Reimagining Workplace Culture in a Virtual Environment

Kicking off 2021 with a fresh take on work, life, culture, and the employee experience. Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President, Workforce at QuestionPro and Maddie Grant, author, co-founder and culture designer at PROPEL are ready to share one of a kind insights with you every week! This episode’s topic is reimagining workplace culture in a virtual environment – something very close to our hearts. With surprising data!

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Work @ Life: Professional vs Personal Advice

Kicking off 2021 with a fresh take on work, life, culture, and the employee experience. Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President, Workforce at QuestionPro and Maddie Grant, author, co-founder and culture designer at PROPEL are ready to share one of a kind insights with you every week! This episode’s topic is personal versus professional advice – who do you turn to? The results of our quick poll are surprising.

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Work @ Life: Work-cation – Yes or No?

Kicking off 2021 with a fresh take on work, life, culture, and the employee experience. Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President, Workforce at QuestionPro and Maddie Grant, author, co-founder and culture designer at PROPEL are ready to share one of a kind insights with you every week! This episode’s topic is work-cation – what is it and is it a good thing or a bad thing?

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Work @ Life: Vulnerability in the Workplace

Kicking off 2021 with a fresh take on work, life, culture, and the employee experience. Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President, Workforce at QuestionPro and Maddie Grant, author, co-founder and culture designer at PROPEL are ready to share one of a kind insights with you every week! This episode’s topic is vulnerability in the workplace – with surprising data about the pervasiveness of the stereotypes about vulnerabilty.

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Work @ Life: Collaboration and Communication in the Workplace

Kicking off 2021 with a fresh take on work, life, culture, and the employee experience. Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President, Workforce at QuestionPro and Maddie Grant, author, co-founder and culture designer at PROPEL are ready to share one of a kind insights with you every week! This episode’s topic is collaboration and communication in the workplace.

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Work @ Life: Impostor Syndrome and International Women’s Day

Kicking off 2021 with a fresh take on work, life, culture, and the employee experience. Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President, Workforce at QuestionPro and Maddie Grant, author, co-founder and culture designer at PROPEL are ready to share one of a kind insights with you every week! This episode’s topic is Impostor Syndrome and International Women’s Day – with special guest Shana Glickfield, partner at Beekeeper Group.

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Want to get in touch?

If you have ideas about people we should have a conversation with, or maybe that’s you! Let us know!

Email sanja.licina@questionpro.com

Empowering Workplaces