EW-Empowering Workplaces Podcast Cover

A data-driven podcast ABOUT MAKING WORK BETTER

We are two culture experts conversing with fascinating people doing big things inside their organizations – as well as with authors, consultants, coaches and other individuals who have a story to share or really inspirational research. We always share FRESH, PRIMARY data and insights related to the topic at hand, and we discuss all kinds of topics from both the individual employee and the organizational perspective, answering big questions like: 

  • how do we make work more human and empathetic?
  • how do we build resilience in ourselves and our staff?
  • how do we TRULY attract the people we want to our organizations? 

About the podcast

Welcome to Empowering Workplaces, hosted by culture designer Maddie Grant and organizational psychologist Sanja Licina, Ph.D. If you care about making work better, as a leader or an employee – and helping yourself and others navigate the evolving nature of the business world, you are in the right place!

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Meet Our Hosts

We are two friends who created this podcast to talk to all kinds of fascinating people about how to empower BOTH employees and companies to create the kinds of human, empathetic, happy workplaces we all aspire to have.

Sanja Licina

Sanja Licina, Ph.D.

Sanja is an organizational psychologist and President of QuestionPro Workforce, where we help companies better connect with, and understand their employees, to create the absolute best culture and experience for all those who are a part of their organization.

Sanja’s goal is straightforward: to make people happier.

Find her on LinkedIn

Maddie Grant

Maddie Grant

Maddie is an expert culture designer and co-founder of a firm called PROPEL, that helps organizations design evolutionary and disruption-proof cultures that are truly loved by their employees. As well she is a digital strategist, and author.

A firm believer that the future of work will come from more human workplaces.

Find her on LinkedIn

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The most complete platform to solve all your insight needs. From basic surveys to complex research, customer experience and employee engagement.

Maddie Grant

Building a great culture is easier than you think.

You just need to see your hidden culture patterns, and then change the ones that are holding you back.

We can help.

Recent Episodes

Cultivating Compassion in the Workplace – and the Unexpected Benefits

In this episode of Empowering Workplaces, we are joined by Andrea Hollingsworth, PhD, a Psychotherapist and former university Professor who works with organizational leaders to help build cultures of compassion in the workplace.

With only 30% of workers responding with self-kindness versus self-criticism when they make a mistake a work, and just a half saying their manager supports them when they are at distress, we have a ways to go to create more compassionate workplaces. During this episode we discuss the importance of compassion in the workplace and how to better instill it and cultivate it inside the workplace.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a Key Retention Strategy

In this episode of Empowering Workplaces Marcus Sawyerr, CEO of EQ Community and HR tech expert joins us as we dive into the results of a joint study between QuestionPro and EQ Community where we surveyed 1,000 knowledge workers across the US to get a better understanding of their experiences with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the workplace.

With a focus our discussion on action and impact, and among other findings discuss the general lack of satisfaction among workers with current efforts to foster a diverse culture across organizations. Tune in as we explore the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture and the impact it can have on employee satisfaction and retention.

You can find the full study here: https://www.questionpro.com/diversity-equity-inclusion-study.html

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The Importance of Hiring the Right People

In this episode of Empowering Workplaces, we have a special guest, Lou Adler, who is a renowned expert in recruitment and a top LinkedIn influencer. He will be sharing his insights on the most crucial question in hiring – “How do I hire the right people?”

Join us as Lou, who is known as the “Sherlock Holmes of recruitment,” explores the importance of hiring and the impact it has on management and success. We will also be discussing ways to avoid the common mistake of hiring too quickly, instead of taking the time to find the right fit for your organization. Don’t miss out on this valuable conversation!

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How to Empower Your People to Drive Innovation in Times of Change

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, organizational culture and innovation are more important than ever. As the economy struggles and companies are faced with challenges, it’s crucial that we keep our focus on how the culture can remain a competitive advantage.

In this episode, we are joined by special guest Daniel Strode, Group Director of Culture & Strategy at Banco Santander and author of the book The Culture Advantage: Empowering your People to Drive Innovation. With Dan we delve into the principles that shape organizational culture and discuss how managers play a crucial role in creating a strong and positive work environment.

These are the data points that we discussed during the conversation with Dan, that we collected from 600 workers through QuestionPro surveys.

How open do you think your employer organization is to change?

Extremely open, we are frequently going through change 43%
Somewhat open, we are not always changing but it’s does happen 30%
Not very open, there is some change but it’s very rare 20%
Not at all open, I feel like we have barely changed at all 7%

How important do you think company culture is to your manager?

Extremely important 39%
Somewhat important 44%
Not very important 10%
Not at all important 8%

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Empowering Workplaces in 2023

We set out to create a podcast to help organizations have their people feel seen and heard; like they are making a difference in all parts of their life. We also shared strategies with workers directly about ways they can grow their careers, feel fulfilled and happy inside and outside of the workplace. As we shared important conversations with our guests, one word kept coming up to reflect the feeling that the discussions provoked: empowerment.

From today Work@Life podcast will be called Empowering Workplaces. We are stepping into the new year with a clear mission, and a name that we felt best reflects that mission. We want to help empower organizations to be the best places for their people, and help empower workers to be the best version of themselves.

Thank you so much to those who have been on this journey with us, we can’t wait to show you what we have planned for 2023!

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Work@Life: How to Handle Self Sabotage

How often do you wonder what is holding you back? In today’s episode, we talk about Positive Intelligence and Self Sabotage. The negative voices you may hear in your head can cause stress, and unhappiness, and get in the way of your performance and wellbeing. This is why it’s so important to understand what they are and the best way to deal with them so you can more effectively handle life’s challenges and thrive.

Join us and our special guest Darya Belsner, Business and Leadership Coach, as we talk about how she uses the saboteur assessment in her work to help people grow personally and professionally .You can discover your saboteurs and what may be holding you back by taking this assessment: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/saboteurs/

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Work@Life: Tips for Achieving Work/Life Flexibility as a Working Parent

How do you get to the many things you want to achieve, especially as a working parent? As we start to reflect on this past year and plan for the one ahead, many of us are still searching for best ways to feel fulfilled in various aspects of our lives without burning ourselves out.
While there may not be a magic answer, there are things that both employees and employers can do to make this feeling of fulfillment and flexibility a reality. In today’s episode, Jennie Dede, Director of Sales, Search and People at LinkedIn, a wife and a mom of two amazing boys, joins us to discuss how to prioritize the things that matter most in work, and life.

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Work@Life: How to Manage Communication Overload at Work

As employees, we always want to be “in the know.” And as employers, we want our workforce to have all the most important information. But, even with the best intentions, workers feel like they are either overwhelmed with information and can’t keep up, or simply are not getting the information that’s most important to them. We have so many more channels available than ever before, so what gives?
Join us with our special guest Andy Nester, Chief Marketing Officer at Firstup, for a conversation about how to effectively manage getting the right information, at the right time.

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Work@Life: Reframing How We Think About Stress

When things change in your life, it can impact your mental health and wellbeing. You may even feel out of control in situations that you didn’t expect. However, learning to navigate the way you deal with these different situations and reframe how you think about them will benefit you in ways you might have never thought.
Join us in this conversation to Dr. Deborah Gilboa, author of the book From Stressed to Resilient: The Guide to Handle More and Feel It Less to talk about how to deal with stress better and practice resilience.

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Work@Life: How Is Your Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility These Days?

In today’s episode, we are talking about ESG – environmental, social, governance – and corporate social responsibility with Keesa Schreane, author of Gambling On Green. ESG is a set of standards measuring a business’s impact on its local community, global society, and the environment. 
These issues of sustainability and ethical corporate responsibility have been important for decades, but never more than now as climate change, the environment and also underserved communities are becoming more and more top of mind for workers. Do you know if your company does anything in these areas? Find out what our data says, and listen to Keesa describe how this issue is more important than ever.

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Work@Life: Leading Confidently Without Needing to Constantly Prove Yourself

Leadership is something that seems easy and natural, from the outside, but it takes a huge amount of work to become a better leader. There’s always been this phenomenal opportunity to develop leaders, but now probably even more so.
In this episode we’re joined by Mihaela Berciu, Leadership Breakthrough Specialist, who focuses on exploring personal and professional values, understanding aspirations, removing barriers and visualizing the path to success.

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Work@Life: How to Be a More Resilient Person

If you are resilient, then when life knocks you down, you bounce back and you keep going. That’s the core of today’s episode, in which we’re joined by Annie Leib, LLC, who shares some insights about her coaching and framework, as well as great advice on how to build resilience.

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Work@life: How to Be in Flow at Work

Have you ever felt like time literally moves faster at work? Or perhaps felt “in the zone” while working? This is called “Flow”, and it happens when you feel a high degree of challenge and skill at a good balance, it requires being fully present and observing your work with a sense of calm and enjoyment.
In this episode, Jared Weintraub, PhD and founder of The Flow Group, LLC joined us to have a conversation on how to create the best conditions (individually and organizationally) for being in flow.

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Work@Life: Why the Antidote to Burnout is Community

In today’s episode we discuss the very hot topic of burnout, with Hamza Khan, the best-selling author of Leadership, Reinvented and a global keynote speaker whose TEDx talk “Stop Managing, Start Leading” has been viewed nearly two million times.
Burnout is something that can affect anyone and has resulted in whole industries of self-help and related solutions… but what if the responsibility for fixing burnout doesn’t actually lie within the individual worker? What if the antidote to burnout is actually community, as well as a different kind of leadership?

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Work@Life: How Can You Increase Your Chances of Being Happy?

Depending on who you ask, you are likely to get very different responses to the question “what is happiness”? Some believe that it’s about the journey, while others are focused on the destination.
Regardless of how you define happiness, most of us are often looking for more of it. So, how do we go about feeling happier? Join Sanja Licina, PhD and Maddie Grant as they discuss the meaning of happiness, fulfillment and purpose and how it all intertwines with work and our personal lives.

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Work@Life: What It Means to Be Fully Human at Work

In this episode, we talk to Kent Frazier, CEO of fullyhumanatwork.com and inspirational transformational coach. We delve into what it really means to bring your whole self to work – how do we create space for that, how do we show up, how do we practice listening for that.

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Work@Life: How Employee Wellness Benefits Can Be A Huge Differentiator for Employers

What comes to mind when you hear the words “employee wellness”? Did you know that there are actually three pillars to it? Physical, mental and emotional wellness. While the variety of benefits that employers can offer to their workforce has grown greatly, only 60% of workers say their employer actually offers any kind of wellness benefit at all.
In this episode, Kasey Chas, Culture Cultivator and Mental Health Educator at Dopple XR joins us to share how a holistic approach to employee wellness can better encompass all of the aspects that contribute to individual physical, mental and emotional health.

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Want to get in touch?

If you have ideas about people we should have a conversation with, or maybe that’s you! Let us know!

Email sanja.licina@questionpro.com

Empowering Workplaces