The word “change” can hardly encapsulate everything that is different since March 2020, given the collective awakening to the great variability in how differently people’s advance due to their backgrounds, and the quantity of outdated policies that need to evolve to keep this from happening.

Managers can play a monumental role in helping their teams thrive on their own terms. This starts by giving them choice and flexibility, so that they can work in the best way that suits them, and not necessarily adhering to the usual four walls, 9-to-5 gigs. Because work is not defined as something that you come to the office for nonetheless, it is something that you do. So, why are some managers still so hesitant to provide this flexibility?Joining us in this episode is Meighan Newhouse, CEO & Co-Founder of Inspirant Group, who shares some actionable ideas for challenging the norm.

Empowering Workplaces